Data templates ensure unified, transparent data flow
A common digital language is the most important prerequisite for the digital transformation of the construction sector. In practical terms, this can be achieved by implementing common data models (data templates) for capturing and sharing information about construction materials, products, systems and spaces. This way data can flow freely between actors, organisations and software platforms.
Creating common data models through standardisation
To address this need, the international standardisation bodies CEN and ISO have developed a set of standards that describe how digital information should be created, managed and shared in a way that enables machine-readability, quality and interoperability. This framework is implemented in the data dictionary Define to enable organsations to develop trusted, high-quality data models. These data models are called data templates. They are the groundwork upon which organisations can build their digital strategies.
What are data templates?
For its user, a data template (DT) is a common data structure describing the characteristics (called ‘properties’) of a construction object, and its physical qualities and performance, according to a credible source of information – be it a standard or a regulation. On the other hand, for any software, the data template structure is a set of concepts that are connected to each other with different relationships. By establishing these connections between concepts through unique pieces of code, a specific logic for machines is set. This allows us to create a common technological language, which helps any software convey meaning consistently regardless of the language used in a particular country.