Creating a Property
If you do not find the property you are after in the Properties list, you can create one yourself.
Go to Properties from the menu to the left.
Click on Create property or Create generic property.
Here is the difference: A Property is specified by using a reference document, e.g. a standard, while a Generic property is a general characteristic not connected to a reference document.
How to add a Generic property.
After clicking on Create generic property it will pop up a pane, where you will write its Full name and Technical definition.
There are a few rules which should be preferably followed when writing Technical definitions:
– Avoid ambiguity
– Avoid circular definitions, e.g. concrete wall – wall made of concrete
– Even not referring to a document, try to take out definitions out of standards
EXAMPLE: reaction to fire – response of a test specimen when it is exposed to fire under specified conditions in a fire test (taken out from EN ISO 13943).
You can also add short names, user definitions and examples but it is not mandatory.
A Short name is normally an abbreviature which is shortening the Full name and is something widely used and recognized in the industry.
EXAMPLE: global warming potential (GWP)
A User definition is an additional definition that is meant to simplify the Technical definition. As Technical definitions are normally based on standards, they tend to end up too comprehensive, so a more simplified one is possible in this field.
Filling in all the above in English is mandatory. All other translations are optional.
Switch to the next tab – Attributes.
Add the Domain – based on that the proper authority will review your property upon submitting it.
Proceed with Property category – you can select it from the dropdown menu.
Add the measure you will be using for quantifying the property. Click on Add measure.
Search for a relevant measure, select it from the results and click Add.
NB. Once the Generic property is approved by the Domain experts you will not be able to change its measure.
Further down, you will get a dropdown menu with units relevant to the measure. You can suggest the unit but it does not matter if a unit is selected here, the manufacturers will be able to choose the units themselves when filling in their product data.
When you are ready, click on Send for approval.
You can also save it for later by clicking on Save draft.
The steps of adding a Property are almost the same. Here are the differences:
· You need to add a relation to an existing Generic property. The Property will then inherit the measure of the Generic property you added.
· You need to add a reference.
NB. Once the Property is approved by the Domain experts you will not be able to change its Generic property or its Unit.