Creating a Classification
To create a classification in Define, go to the Classifications menu, and click on CREATE CLASSIFICATION:
1. In the Descriptions tab, enter a Full name and Technical definition of the Classification
EXAMPLE: Full name – “Uniclass 2015 Systems”; Technical Definition – “Systems are the collection of components that go together to make an element or to carry out a function. For a pitched roof, the rafters, lining, tiles, ceiling boards, insulation, and ceiling finish comprise a system, or a low temperature hot water heating system is formed from a boiler, pipework, tank, radiators, etc.”
NB! Unless the creator of the classification is also its owner (i.e. they hold the IPR), no string, punctuation, or meaning should be edited or inputted in a different manner than the original.
When classifications are split into different tables as in the Example, it is advisable to create them as separate concepts (Classifications) in Define.
You can also add short names, user definitions and examples by expanding the respective menus:
A Short name is normally an abbreviature which is shortening the Full name and is something widely used and recognized in the industry.
A User definition is an additional definition that is meant to simplify the Technical definition. As Technical definitions are normally based on standards, they tend to end up too comprehensive, so a more simplified one is possible in this field.
Filling in all the above in English is mandatory. All other translations are optional.
2. Proceed further with the Attributes
Add the Domain – based on that the proper authority will review your template upon submitting it.
The Domain can be based on country, department, technical field etc. The domain is an attribute that shows which Authorities will have to approve a newly created concept.
Add the Countries where the Classification can be applied.
Click on Save draft.
All the fields from the Description and Attributes tabs can be edited/changed in newer versions of the classification, except the Domain in the Attributes tab.
3. Adding codes to the Classification
- Creating codes manually
In the Codes tab, click on the “plus” icon.
In the Descriptions tab of the appearing window, add the Full name of the code. Definition is not mandatory.
EXAMPLE: Glazed enclosure systems
Go to the Attributes tab. Enter a Parent (explained below) and Class number. Click Save.
EXAMPLE: Ss_20_10_60_34
NB! Some classifications could have a hierarchical structure, and some could have a flat structure, i.e. no levels. If the classification is of the second type, Parent is not applicable, thus, not entered. If it is of the first type but the code itself is of the highest level, the same is applicable, i.e. Parent is not applicable. The example here shows a hierarchical classification creation and the code from the screenshot is not of the highest level.
After, following the same manner, all the codes are created, click on Send for approval. Once approved, the classification with all the codes becomes available throughout the systems.
- Creating codes using the import sheet
When the number of codes to be created is too high, a comfortable and faster way of doing this is on bulk via the import sheet. It works both for classifications having hierarchical structure and flat ones.
In the Codes tab, click either on the button Import new codes in the middle of the dashboard or the icon with the arrows on top right:
When a dialogue appears, it will prompt the user to download excel file.
This file has the following tabs:
As analogue to the previous method, Title represents Full name and Class number is the same.
Start filling every class number and the respective title in the correct title level column. Technical definition is not mandatory.
NB! If the classification is linear, all titles go to Level 1 (column B). If there is hierarchy, every new higher-level title goes one column right up to 8 levels. In this case, class number still goes to column A. Example shown below.
Flat classification example:
Hierarchical classification example:
NB! When importing a hierarchical classification, every code must be ordered under its parent in the way shown. Otherwise, it will not be recognized as a child concept and the classification will not be uploaded correctly.
Save the excel file. Go back to the dialogue from point 3.2 and upload it. Then, click on Import new codes:
If all the codes are uploaded correctly, click on Send for approval. Once approved, the codes will be available throughout the systems:
NB! Once approved, codes cannot be edited.
If the classification is hierarchical, new “child” codes can’t be added under existing parents using the import sheet. Only new “branches” can be created with it.
4. Importing translations to language(s), different than English
This is done via the translations excel import and can be done in bulk either during the classifications’ creation, or in a new version after the classification has already been approved. Click on the translation’s icon in the Codes tab:
Similar dialogue to the import sheet appears. It prompts the user to download a file and choose the language that should be added.
The downloaded file looks like this (regardless of if the classification is linear or hierarchical):
To add a translation of the full name (and, if available, technical definition) in the language chosen before downloading the file, simply fill the translations next to each respective full name (and definition) in column E (Full Name Translations) and F.
Save the file and click on Import translations:
NB! Unlimited number of languages can be added but for each, all the steps explained above should be repeated.
If all the codes are uploaded correctly, click on Send for approval. Once approved, the codes will be available throughout the systems:
5. Editing a classification
Once approved, a classification can be edited. The attributes that can be edited are:
- Full name.
- Technical definition.
- Short name.
- User definitions.
- Domain.
- Language.
- Countries of use.
- Adding codes.
- Removing codes.
Click on the Create version button:
Any of the attributes described in any point above, can be edited after clicking on the respective “pen” icon (example below):